Library Search is Middlesex University library catalogue, where you can find and access quality academic resources.
You can also Sign-in to access full-text material, check your Library Account, request items, and save searches.
If you need any help finding information on Library Search, click on the Getting Help tab in this guide.
Note: We recommend that you log into Library Search before you start searching using the link in the top-right hand corner.
To find information using Library Search:
1. Type your search terms into the search bar and then press enter.
2. Filter your results, by using the column on the left-hand side and click on Apply Filters.
Note: To find academic, peer-reviewed articles select:
3. Narrow down your results to specific dates. In the left-hand column, scroll down to Publication Date. Type in the dates you want to limit the search to, then click on Refine.
Log into Library Search using the Sign In button in the top-right hand corner.
Once logged in, you can save any item records by clicking on the Pin icon.
You can also saves your searches. To do this, click on Save Search below the search bar.
If you want to check the items and searches you have saved, click on the Pin icon in the top-right hand corner next to your name.
To access VLE eBooks offline you need to download PDF reading software to enable you to read time-restricted PDFs.
The video below with introduce you to VLE eBooks and take you through how to read these eBooks offline.