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Inter Library Loans

- Inter-Library Loans service: Request books and journal articles not held at Middlesex University. This is currently a free service to students.
Useful Books
Research and Study Skills for Veterinary Nurses by Jane Davidson
With developments in skills and knowledge level, more and more academic rigour is expected of veterinary nurses. Exams, CPD and repeated testing and study throughout the nurse's career are now requirements. Aimed at veterinary nurses and technicians, this book will guide the reader through the various research and study disciplines required of them. Research and Study Skills for Veterinary Nurses discusses why these academic skills are now required of the veterinary nurse, different types of source material, how to complete written assignments, how to reference properly, how to approach different test questions, how to respond to oral exams, how to complete OSCEs, CPD training, and work-based practical assessments. Research and Study Skills for Veterinary Nurses provides information and advice for student vet nurses who need a reliable resource to guide them through their course.
ISBN: 9781789180138
Publication Date: 2019
Professionalism and Reflection in Veterinary Nursing by Susan Badger (Editor); Andrea Jeffery (Editor)
Professionalism and Reflection in Veterinary Nursing offers insight into the role of the veterinary nurse in the 21st century. It provides useful information that facilitates a deeper understanding of the underlying theory that supports clinical nursing practice. Exploring concepts that underpin the delivery of professional veterinary nursing, the book covers core issues, themes and principles that explain what it means to be a veterinary nurse. The role of the registered veterinary nurse The registered veterinary nurse's responsibility to the patient Evidence-based veterinary nursing Veterinary nurse trainer and educator resources A timely publication due to the increased recognition and expectations of the role of the veterinary nursing profession, Professionalism and Reflection in Veterinary Nursing is ideal for veterinary student nurses and qualified veterinary nurses, enabling them to contribute to the development of the professional identity.
ISBN: 9781119664406
Publication Date: 2022