Access your reading lists either through MyLearning or by visiting the Reading List link. Either type in a module code e.g. PSY0010 or a topic, then click on the 'Search' button.
Free personal eTextbooks are provided to all students enrolled on undergraduate or postgraduate taught courses based at the Hendon campus in London, or the Mauritius campus.
For each module studied, students will receive one free eTextbook – an average of 4 books per student per year. These textbooks are to keep in perpetuity and students will be able to access throughout their University career and onwards in their future career.
The scheme is run in partnership with the company Kortext look out for emails from Kortext sent to your Middlesex University email account. These emails activate your eTextbooks and update you on new books added to your account. Look for the emails and follow the instructions.
For further information
How to access the full range of Kortext Personal eTextbooks