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Psychology: Journals & Databases


Image of a selection of journal covers

The Library subscribes to thousands of academic journals and magazines (print and electronic).

Magazines are usually aimed at a profession, business or interest; and contain articles, news, job adverts, new product reviews, events and advertising.

Academic journals focus on a specific subject area and contain detailed articles, papers and research.  The articles are often peer-reviewed, so have been assessed for quality by experts prior to publication. These are a good source for your projects and assignments.

Psychology full text journals and databases

PEPWeb - New Look

The platform offers better searching, a cleaner read, the opportunity to personalize the interface, save favorite articles, a suggested graphic or video and an article pick of the day, prompts for related material, etc. PEPWeb help pages

Video and written instructions are available and the interface can be set to work in different languages.

Individual user registration is required on first visit - to obtain an individual username and password to enable off-site access with multiple devices as well as to make the new features work. Users register in PEP’s user database – this is how the system knows who they are while they are on multiple devices, stores their saved work and preferences, etc. They will be prompted to register on first arrival and reminded in subsequent visits, if they don’t. Nonetheless, if they ignore the prompt they will still be able to use the site without the personalized features. All personal data is held secure under European GDPR regulations. 

New Look PEPWeb video tutorial

E-Journals & Databases

Electronic journal holdings can be checked in the Library catalogue, where links will be provided if there is an online version. The electronic journals search screen may also be checked. Always remember to sign in to Library Search to access all the e-resources available to you

Many electronic journals are provided in "bundles", packages or specialised subject collections from particular publishers. For example, Sage Premier Collection, EBSCO and Elsevier's Science Direct. Others may be provided within a database such as PsycINFO or PEPWeb. Journal databases are online resources which allow you to access the contents of journals ie. articles. Many also contain conference proceedings, research papers, newspapers and standards. 

The Library subscribes to a large selection of journal databases including several specific to Psychology 

Journal databases can usually be searched by subject and more specifically by author, type of material, article title, publisher, year, language or organisation. A successful search will provide you with a list of relevant references to articles etc. Many databases provide full-text articles ie. the articles can be read online.

Access: MyMDX > Study > Library > Library: Quick Links > Databases (see ppt guide for more help)

We have a wide range of databases suitable for psychology students.

EBSCO databases

Many of the key psychology databases such as APAPsycInfo, APAPsycArticles and APAPsycTests are produced by a company called EBSCO

If you would like some help on how to use EBSCO databases and how to do basic searches and advanced searches this is a useful website with video tutorials to help you out.

EBSCO Connect

Using Boolean Operators on EBSCO Databases:

Proximity searching on EBSCO Databases:

The APA also have a helpful YouTube channel you can use to help with their databases

APA PsycINFO Basic Search

APA PsycINFO Advanced Search

APA PsycINFO Searching - Video by PACE University