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Filling out the request form for a Time Series request:
Series - Select the series button to look up companies, indices, etc.
Data types - here you can look up variables such as price, ROAA etc.
Currency picker will allow you to change the default currency (local currency) to one of your choice
The function button allows you to apply a variety of analyses such as standard deviation, percentage change etc.
Time periods - select time periods or specify dates
Options - alters the display of the information such as rows, columns, headings, embedding etc.
Explorer allows you to browse for key codes by country or sector
Try this search -
Select a Time series request
Equities Explorer – Equities - Open up the UK branch
Select Alternative Energy
Select all the companies listed by clicking on All
Search for Share Price, Market Value, Market Capitalization, Total Assets, EPS (Earnings per Share), Dividend Yield and Turnover by Volume
Date – -5y
Frequency – monthly
Transpose the data, display the code
Click on submit to finish
If you experience problems following this search, please go HERE to book an appointment or Contact Me
Finding your series:
Click on the Find Series button, this will take you into the Datastream Navigator which will allow you to perform either a text search or an explorer search (browsing)
In the Navigator, select the Data Category, here are some common examples:
Exchange Rates
Try this search - Run a simple time series search for the historical price information for 6 equities from the first day of January 2000 to the last day of December 2016
If you experience problems following this search, please go HERE to book an appointment or Contact Me
Finding codes with Navigator – Free-text or Explorer search
Navigator appears as soon as you click on ‘Find Search’
Free-text search allows you to search using a google-like search box but you must refine by the data category in order to get the right financial instrument
Try this search - Run a free text search for the FTSE350
Select and add it to your search box – prefix the code with a capital L for a list – you will be asked if you want to make a list request
Search for the share price code – click on Datatypes
Change the pull-down menu to equities
Click use to bring the code into your search
Alter the time period and the frequency to years and click submit
Make sure that you have your columns, rows and codes displayed and that you have transposed the data to make the information run vertically
The information will be exported into excel
If you experience problems following this search, please go HERE to book an appointment or Contact Me