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New Academic Staff: Other referencing software

Other reference management software

Only RefWorks is supported by Middlesex University, so if you haven't decided what to use, please look at RefWorks first.   Alternatives are:

LaTex and BibTeX

If you are in Computer Science and using LaTex for writing, you can set export references from Library Search using the BibTeX button and from Google Scholar if in Settings you set Bibliography Manager to BibTeX.

In LaTex, if you are using the IEEE numerical referncing style, check the following to make sure this is set correctly:

To ensure you are using IEEE numerical reference style include the command to control your bibliography style before you include the bibliography.  The bibliography style for number referencing is "plain". So the resulting text is as follows:



where 'path' is the path of the file, and 'filename' is the filename of the '.bib' file.