Welcome to the Library Subject Guide for PG Cert Learning and Supporting Teaching in Higher Education
2nd/3rd year and post-graduates use the databases listed below to do a comprehensive search of the Education literature (login to MyMDX if you have not already done so).
The databases below cover other subject areas that you may find useful (plus some education journals)
Tips for searching:
Use keywords for your search, two or three words to get started.
Use synonyms, for example for education, use teaching, schooling, or pedagogy.
Too few results; use more keywords to broaden your search.
Too many results; use fewer keywords to narrow your search.
Spelling, UK or USA - labour/labor, centre/center, organisation/organization.
These databases can usually be searched by subject and name and more specifically by type of material, article title, publisher, year, language or organisation. A successful search will provide you with a list of references to relevant material (articles/papers).
Many of the databases provide an abstract (summary) of the article's content, which gives an indication of its usefulness and relevance. This is in addition to bibliographic details such as author, article title, journal title, issue/volume number and date.
The library belongs to a co-operative scheme which allows Middlesex University students physical access to other academic libraries. This is:
In addition students may use:
Use Library Search to find articles, books, reports, DVDs, CDs, and more.
Use Cite them right for Harvard referencing. Here is a link to a 'sample text and reference list using the Harvard style'.
Use your online reading list.
Use the key databases. Highly recommended for 2nd, 3rd, postgraduate students, and researchers.
If Middlesex does not have an item; do an Inter-library Loan; which is now free. Recommended for 3rd years, postgraduates, and researchers. Request Form
Want to watch a video! Have a look at BOB (Box of Broadcast).
To access electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, databases etc) you need to sign into MyMDX.
MyMDX > Study > Library > Library Quick Link > My Subject - Library Guides.
Are you maximising the visibility of your research?
Research placed in our Research Repository is far more likely to be cited than information which only appears in journals as it is freely accessible to all.
Please check the research repository for your papers and add any which are missing.
If you're not listed, please contact your subject liaison librarian.
Other research repositories:
BIROn - Birkbeck Institutional Research Online
Dissertations at MDX
Most Postgraduate dissertations are now digitised and can be accessed via the Middlesex University Research Repository.
Dissertations/Theses from other Institutions
There are several ways for you to obtain a thesis from another univeristy for your research.
EThOS, a service offered by the British Library - search their catalogue to see if the thesis you need has already been digitised. You will need to register in order to download theses as PDFs - payment required if want a printed copy.
Inter-library loan - If the thesis hasn't already been digitised through EThOS, you may order it via our ILL scheme.
From the other institution
If you can visit the other library, this is often the quickest way of accessing theses. You may need a SCONUL card.
A library guide for researchers about useful library resources and information on how to: