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Databases for Music
- Databases are collections of publications such as journal articles. They are current and contain the latest research on a topic.
- Full-text databases provide direct access to the complete article.
- Library Search searches all the databases we subscribe to at Middlesex University.
- You can search the databases separately if you wish, details of relevant resources for music are below
Business Source Complete This link opens in a new window
Description: Business Source Complete is our most comprehensive business database with content from peer reviewed (scholarly) journal and magazine articles. Most articles are full text. Business reports with industry, company and country profiles are also included.
Cambridge Journals Online This link opens in a new window
Description: Cambridge University Press publishes a prestigious list of scholarly journals, ranging across the humanities, social sciences and STM disciplines, made available electronically through the Cambridge Journals online service.
JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Description: Archive of journalsSubject Scope: Language and literature, mathematics, statistics, music, film studies, folklore, performing arts, religion, and the history and study of art and architecture.Please note: Middlesex University Library does not subscribe to the whole of JSTOR but only to the "Arts & Sciences III" and "Mathematics and Statistics" collections.
Music Periodicals Database This link opens in a new window
Description: Music Periodicals Database (formerly International Index to Music Periodicals Full Text) indexes over 470 journals covering a comprehensive range of subject areas in both scholarly and popular music journals, from Early Music to Jazz Journal, Music Analysis to Folk Roots. The Index includes over 900,000 records.
Performing Arts Periodicals Database This link opens in a new window
Description: Performing Arts Periodicals database (formerly International Index to Performing Arts Full Text) contains more than half a million indexed articles from over 256 performing arts journals. Most index entries include an abstract and an increasing number contain full text of the original article.
Music Encyclopaedias
Grove Music Online This link opens in a new window
Description: Grove Music Online is the leading online resource for music research and includes the full text of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2nd edition, 2001), The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (1992) and The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz (2nd edition, 2002), with all subsequent updates. It includes more than 50,000 signed articles and 30,000 biographies contributed by over 6,000 scholars from around the world.
Oxford Music Online This link opens in a new window
Description: Oxford Music Online is the gateway allowing users to access and cross-search several significant Oxford music reference resources including Grove Music Online, The Encyclopedia of Popular Music, The Oxford Companion to Music (2002) and The Oxford Dictionary of Music (2nd edition, revised 2006).Subject Scope: All aspects of musicDate Range: N/AFull Text: Yes
Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online This link opens in a new window
Description: The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online is the first comprehensive online resource devoted to music research of all the world's peoples. Based on the 10-volume printed Encyclopedia published 1998-2002, it contains over 9,000 pages of material and 300 audio recordings, and includes entries by more than 700 expert contributors from all over the world.Subject Scope: All aspects of world music.Date Range: N/AFull Text: Yes
Britannica (Encyclopedia) This link opens in a new window
Description: 100,000 professionally edited and researched articles on just about every subject, thesaurus & dictionary of quotations, links to 800,000 full-text journal and magazine articles plus full text E-books and primary sources, World Data Analyst (current and past statistics and interactive World Atlas) and automatic citations at the end of articles.
Encyclopedia of Popular Music This link opens in a new window
Description: The online version of the 10-volume Encyclopedia of Popular Music (4th edition, 2006) containing over 27,000 entries, plus over 6000 new entries, covering popular music from 1900 to the present day. Artist entries include key dates, biographies, further reading and detailed discographies with a 5-star album rating system. The Encyclopedia also includes information about trends, styles, record labels, venues, and music festivals.
Rock's Backpages This link opens in a new window
Description: Rock's Backpages is an online library of popular music journalism containing articles drawn from magazines such as Melody Maker, Rolling Stone and New Musical Express. Currently the library contains over 17,000 articles featuring more than 2,500 artists and written by over 300 journalists. Up to 50 new articles are added each week. Articles include reviews, interviews and features and are fully searchable.