Our library databases help us electronically store and manage access to journal articles, eBooks, newspapers, company information, market research, and much more!
Databases work like search engines but better. You can be very precise and search for information using criteria. For example, scholarly articles with the keyword marketing strategy from 2015 to 2018.
The highly organised information allows you to get very specific results. Filters make it easy for you to narrow your results down further.
Different databases usually focus on particular subject areas. Listed below are databases relevant to Education.
The full A-Z Databases list contains over 160 different information sources - why not check it out? Click on the info icons to learn more about each service.
For Articles, Abstracts, Literature Reviews, Conference Proceedings, Case Studies, Videos, and more...
1) Login to MyMDX.
2) Click My Study tab at the top of the page.
3) Go to My Library, then click Databases.
4) Click the name of the database you want to access.
4) Click the link 'Enter the database'
1) Go to MDX Dubai website www.mdx.ac.ae
2) Point the cursor over Life at University tab at the top.
3) Point the cursor over Library, then click Resources.
4) Click Databases.
4) Type the database name in the search box OR click the arrow-down option and choose Business databases.
4) Click the link 'Enter the database'