Need books? Start at Library Search. Details of all print and electronic books held within the Middlesex University collection can be access via the universal Library Search.
To browse the collection:
To search for a specific item:
Sign in to Library Search find out the availability of print item.
Place a 'Request' if the item is already on loan. 7-day loans should be available within a one week period once a request has been placed.
If the print book is available, note down the shelf number (listed under ‘Location items’). The shelf number takes you directly to the book’s location.
To access an electronic book follow link; ‘Full text availability’. If you’re not already logged into MyMDX, you’ll be asked to log in. Enter your details and access the book.
Library Search
Middlesex University Dubai Library has thousands of print books. Books are available for reference use within the library or for 7-day loan.
To search within the Dubai print collection, use the search box below powered by the Middlesex University Library Search:
Library Search
Middlesex University Dubai Library has thousands of eBooks.
To search within the Dubai eBook collection, use the search box below powered by the Middlesex University Library Search:
This table gives a rough guide to the shelf numbers for the key areas in Business. Click on the subjects to link through to the Library Catalogue.
You should also use title and general keyword searches on the Library Catalogue, as this table does not cover every possible location.
174.4 Economic and professional ethics
300.72 Research Methods
650.072 Business research
658.054678 E-Business
658.8 Marketing Management
658.8 Marketing Strategy
658.8 Marketing
658.802 Strategic Marketing Management
658.848 International marketing
658.872 Digital Marketing
659 Advertising & public relations
808 Writing skills for literature reviews, projects and theses