Statista provides curated data and reports, covering a wide spectrum of subjects and industries - more than 1 million statistics from over 22,500 sources (including national and international data); over 80,000 topics in 177 multidisciplinary categories; more than 7,000 Statista dossiers and industry reports; and 41,000 studies and reports from third parties.
What is it good for?
Business Source Complete covers a range of areas including accounting, banking, finance, international business, management, marketing and economics and more.It also has other content including economic country reviews (from such publishers as the Economist Intelligence Unit) and 10,000 company profiles (from Datamonitor).
What is it good for?
Passport provides full text access to: country statistics, market reports, industry statistics, company information, country profiles & briefings, strategy briefings, consumer lifestyle statistics and comment on emerging industry, country and consumer trends.
What is it good for?
IBIS World is a comprehensive collection of industry research reports.
What is it good for?
Mintel contains marketing intelligence reports, trend analysis and market size information for a wide range of industries and across several countries. It is particularly strong for sector information in European and American countries.
What is it good for?
Capital IQ is a financial database that provides easy-to-use tools for financial statement analysis, comparables analysis, financial modeling, sector analysis, and charting, plus high-level overviews of industries, financial markets, and regional economies.
What is it good for?