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Statista provides curated data and reports, covering a wide spectrum of subjects and industries - more than 1 million statistics from over 22,500 sources (including national and international data); over 80,000 topics in 177 multidisciplinary categories; more than 7,000 Statista dossiers and industry reports; and 41,000 studies and reports from third parties.

What is it good for?

  • Statistical data
  • Market insights
  • Company insights
  • Consumer insights
  • Industry reports
  • Country profiles
  • SWOT analysis
  • PESTLE information
  • You may use the search bar to enter your research topic (i.e. keywords, industry, company name, etc.).
  • To make the search results more relevant, use the the filter/s on the right sidebar. Content type, location, and publication date filters might be significant to use depending on your research topic.
  • If you know the information or resource that you are looking for, you may directly access them through the tabs at the top - Statistics, Reports, or Insights.
  • Reference and citation for some data and reports are available. Select Harvard referencing style if you are in Business program.
  • To focus on specific geography, location or country, you may use the 'Select Regional Boost' box to show related information in the top search results. You may also include the name of the country / region in the search box, along with other keywords (e.g. artificial intelligence UAE).
  • You may download, print and/or save reports and statistical data.

Business Source Complete


Business Source Complete covers a range of areas including accounting, banking, finance, international business, management, marketing and economics and more.It also has other content including economic country reviews (from such publishers as the Economist Intelligence Unit) and 10,000 company profiles (from Datamonitor).

What is it good for?

  • Company profiles
  • Industry reports
  • Country reports
  • SWOT analysis
  • PESTLE analysis
  • Porter's Five Forces
  • Case studies
  • To look for company information, go to the 'More' tab at the top, then choose 'company profiles'.
  • From the home page, you may choose the publication type if you only need country report, industry profile, market research report or SWOT analysis. To choose more than one publication type, highlight the publication type by pressing CTRL key in your keyboard and left-click in your mouse.
  • Always tick 'full text' option.



Passport provides full text access to: country statistics, market reports, industry statistics, company information, country profiles & briefings, strategy briefings, consumer lifestyle statistics and comment on emerging industry, country and consumer trends.

What is it good for?

  • Company information
  • Industry reports
  • Country profiles
  • SWOT analysis
  • PESTLE information
  • Create your own Passport account using your MDX email. This will let you save your search histrory, keywords and reports.
  • Country information may be found in the 'Economies' tab then choose Business Dynamics OR Economy, Finance and Trade. You may also type the country name in the search box for country reports.
  • You may go directly to the 'Industries' tab if you already know the Passport industry classification for your industry. Please take note that these classifications have sub-categories.
  • If you are not yet aware of the Passport industry classification, think of a company closest to your industry and type it in the search bar to see the results suggested by Passport. For example, my industry is coffee shops but there is no such industry classification in Passport. I will search for Starbucks in the search box and check the industry classification suggested by Passport in the search results.
  • You may download, print and/or save reports and statistical data.
  • Dashboard images and graphs may be downloaded as PDF, JPEG or Powerpoint slides.

IBIS World


IBIS World is a comprehensive collection of industry research reports.

What is it good for?

  • Industry profile
  • Supply chain information
  • Porter's Five Forces
  • SWOT information on your industry
  • Key statistics and ratios
  • Reports on industries in US, UK, China and global
  • If you are not yet aware of the IBIS World industry classification, you may try to type your industry in the search bar to see the suggested results and choose the most appropriate classification for your industry. You may also try to think of a company related to your industry (i.e. Starbucks if your industry is coffee shops) and use that as a search term.
  • Use the table of contents or links on the left side bar to explore the industry report.
  • Reports, graphs and charts may be downloaded in different formats.



Mintel contains marketing intelligence reports, trend analysis and market size information for a wide range of industries and across several countries. It is particularly strong for sector information in European and American countries.

What is it good for?

  • Market research reports
  • Industry profiles
  • Consumer profiles
  • EU and US markets
  • Scroll down the search page to go to the quick links and the 'Analyst Insights' link.
  • Analyst insights are linked to relevant reports and statistics about specific industries.
  • You may create a report graph from the table of figures. Go to the table of contents of the report to see all available statistical information. Once you choose the statistics that you need for your research, you may click the 'Create a Graph' icon and save the image by the right-click of the mouse.
  • Reports and statistical information may be printed or downloaded as excel worksheet or Powerpoint slides for your presentation.

Capital IQ


Capital IQ is a financial database that provides easy-to-use tools for financial statement analysis, comparables analysis, financial modeling, sector analysis, and charting, plus high-level overviews of industries, financial markets, and regional economies.

What is it good for?

  • Company information
  • Industry analysis
  • Financial statement analysis
  • Public and private companies
  • Register/sign up using your MDX email account. Once registered, you have to login to Capital IQ through MyMDX.
  • Use the search filters on the left side of the results page to access the data or other available information.
  • You may download, print and/or save reports and statistical data.