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Dance: Books and eBooks

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Key Library Shelf Numbers for Dance Books and DVDs - Located on 1st Floor Wing of the Sheppard Library

 793.3  Dance  793.32  Theatrical dance / Ballet / Choreography 
 793.301  Philosophical aspects  793.32028  Dance techniques
 793.3012  Anthropological aspects  793.3207  Dance in education
 793.3013  Sociological aspects  793.3209  History of theatrical dance / ballet
 793.302  Dance and Religion  793.320941   British dance
 793.303  Dance Dictionaries  793.320943  German dance
 793.307  Dance: Teachings: General  793.320944  French dance
 793.309  Dance history  793.320947  Russian dance
 793.31  Ethnic / Folk dance  793.320973  American dance
 793.3107  Teaching ethnic / folk dance  793.324  Tap and clog dance
 793.3109  History of ethnic / folk dance   793.33  Social dance
 793.310941  History of British folk dance  793.34  Square dance

Body and Movement

Other Useful Library Shelf Numbers for Dance

306  Culture and institutions
306.1  Subcultures
306.4  Specific aspects of culture
306.484  Music, dance, theatre
611  Anatomy and Physiology
612  Human biology
613.7046   Yoga
613.71  Exercise and sports activities  
613.721  Dance notation
613.78  Alexander technique
615.82  Pilates
780.789  Music
782.95  Music for dance
790.2  Performing Arts: General

Selected Choreography EBooks

Selected EBooks for Dance