The Internet has a wealth of useful information. From practical teaching aids, events, and wonderful images that can enhance your teaching, for example the Young V&A.
"The IOE UK Digital Education Repository Archive (DERA) is a digital archive of all documents published electronically by government and related bodies in the area of education." IOE
"Support and training to help schools, colleges and educational establishments to keep children and young adults safe and improve how they respond to safeguarding concerns"
The British Association for Early Childhood Education, also known as Early Education, is a voluntary organisation for early years practitioners and parents.
National Institute for Early Education Research (USA)The National Institute for Early Education Research is an organisation based in the United States, which supports early childhood education initiatives by providing objective information based on research.
"The NCETM aims to support and encourage mathematics-specific continuing professional development, for all teachers of mathematics across all phases. On the National Centre portal you will find a wealth of resources and tools to help you realise your own – and your learners’ – potential." NCETM
The Independent review of the primary curriculum : final report details the outcomes of the review headed by Sir Jim Rose into the primary curriculum in England.
SLA _ School Library Association"The School Library Association is committed to supporting everyone involved with school libraries, promoting high quality reading and learning opportunities for all." SLA