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Education: Secondary Education


Hello and welcome to your Secondary Education course and library subject guide.  I know you will be itching to get started on your readings and finding resources, so here are a few tips to help you on your way:

*  Do make use of your online reading list, available via your module area in My Learning

*  Use Library Search to search for books, journal articles and other library resources, renew your items and place requests;

*  Try Education Research Complete - a database that searches over 2000 journals for scholarly research in to all areas of education;

*  Don't forget to make use of your friendly subject librarian!

Key Education Databases

2nd/3rd year and post-graduates use the databases listed below to do a comprehensive search of the Education literature (login to myUniHub if you have not already done so).

The databases below cover other subject areas that you may find useful (plus some education journals)

Tips for searching:

Use keywords for your search, two or three words to get started.

Use synonyms, for example for education, use teaching, schooling, or pedagogy.

Too few results; use more keywords to broaden your search.

Too many results; use fewer keywords to narrow your search.

Spelling, UK or USA - labour/labor, centre/center, organisation/organization. 

These databases can usually be searched by subject and name and more specifically by type of material, article title, publisher, year, language or organisation. A successful search will provide you with a list of references to relevant material (articles/papers).

Many of the databases provide an abstract (summary) of the article's content, which gives an indication of its usefulness and relevance. This is in addition to bibliographic details such as author, article title, journal title, issue/volume number and date.

Ordering Journal Articles and Books not available at Middlesex

File:Livre Ouvert 2.jpg

If the book or journal article you want is not available at Middlesex University, you can obtain it via our Inter Library Loans Service, which is now free.

Useful websites


When writing assignments it is important to reference your work properly.
There are three main reasons for doing this:

  • You need to acknowledge the work that is not yours, and so avoid committing plagiarism.
  • It enables other people to read the documents that you have read.
  • It shows the breadth of knowledge that you have consulted.

There are two parts to referencing:

  1. The citation is included in the text. It shows that what you have written is not your own idea (or research). If you do not correctly cite other people’s work, you are plagiarising.
  2. The reference is included in a list at the end. It gives the full details of what you have cited, so that someone else can read what you have read.

Use Cite them right for Harvard referencing. Here is a link to a 'sample text and reference list using the Harvard style'.  Use this link for further information on plagiarism, and referencing


Referencing Rex - you might want to print this.

Library Search can help with referencing!

Help with Academic Writing and Numeracy


Academic Writing and Language for the School of Health and Education.

Get help with written assignments or oral presentations, as well as using information effectively and ethically in your work.

You can also book 1-2-1 tutorials, and workshops online with the team (links below).

They have drop-in sessions in the Shephard Library (first floor) between 12 - 2 weekdays.

Reports on education and support


SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows many university library users to borrow or use books and journals at other libraries which belong to the scheme.