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TGI University Centre, Guernsey (Franchise): Referencing

Referencing your work

Cite them right will help you to reference just about any source, and understand how to avoid plagiarism. Make sure you have logged into Unihub before accessing.

Referencing and avoiding plagiarism

At university, we all need to read and use other people's thinking and ideas in developing our own thinking and ideas. This means you need to be able to "reference" other people's ideas and thinking properly in your assignments; failure to do this can result in what is called "plagiarism". In simple terms, "plagiarism" is the use of other people's ideas and thinking without giving a "reference" to that person in your writing. "Plagiarism" and "referencing" are therefore essential things to understand at university. If you're anxious and confused about plagiarism and referencing, you're not alone - many people feel this way, especially when they start at university; but don't worry! Help is here!

Follow the links beneath to videos, fact sheets and activities to help you in this area.



The following are online activities to help you ensure that you have correct referencing in your work and avoid plagiarism.