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Pre-sessional Programme: Books, Journals & Newspapers

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Specialist Business Journals Databases

Specialist Business Newspaper Databases

Shelfmarks for Learning English and Business books on campus

English Language learning books are kept in the Sheppard Library, on the third floor.  Business and Management books are also on the third floor.

The library is arranged using a system called Dewey Decimal - each book has a shelf number to tell you where it is located. Here are the main shelf numbers for books that help you learn and improve your English language skills and help with your assignments:

423              English dictionaries                           

428.24         Grammar

428.64         Graded readers                                  

650.072       Business research

658             General management                      

658.8          Marketing

659             Advertising & public relations 

808.042       Academic writing

 A wide range of eBooks can be accessed via Library Search


If you cannot find a resource, ask for help at StudyHelp. 

Dewey Decimal shelfmarks work just like normal numbers - 428.64 just means 'four hundred and twenty-eight point six four'. 

Most shelfmarks will have more than one book title in them, so to make it easier we arrange them in alphabetical order after the number, using the first three letters of the author's surname, so 428.24 HEW is before 428.24 MUR.