Referencing: When you use an idea or information from another source, e.g.. from a book, journal, film, image or sound recording, etc. you must acknowledge where you got this information. Acknowledging the work of other people in your own work is referencing. See the Referencing tab above for help on how to reference.
Plagiarism: If you do not acknowledge where you got the information from, e.g. you directly copy or sumarise (or paraphrase) someone else's work without referencing, then this is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. The University punishes it as cheating. For more information see the Plagiarism tab above.
When used correctly referencing gets you better marks because it:
Cite Them Right Online is the standard source of information for citation and referencing. Please use this unless you are studying one of the subjects listed below.