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Data about your research outputs. Altmetric & bibliometric indicators: Welcome

Key metrics sources

You can also read more about the measures available on these sources, in the section of this guide called “Bibliometrics tools and Measures


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Welcome to this Library Subject Guide on data about your research outputs

Please click on any word that is a link, to find out more about it in the accompanying glossary or in a further source of information.

This guide refers to both bibliometrics and altmetrics. It describes some sources of data for such metrics and indicators, and also some tools that you can use to gain access to and to analyse that data. It goes on to consider some ideas for ways that you can use these metrics, as a researcher.

What does this guide cover?

This guide covers:

Monitor your own work: five steps

  1. Track who is interested in your work: people and places where connections could be made or impact might be achieved
  2. Learn how others might see your work and take control of your academic online identity
  3. Report on such demonstrated interest to your managers and funders
  4. Find out if any of your activities are effective in increasing such attention: use this to inform your further online activities
  5. Write about your experiences and successes online, thus strengthening your academic online identity