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Graphic Design: Finding Books

What is a shelfmark?

A shelfmark (sometimes also called a classmark) is a number and text combination assigned to a book or other item on the basis of the Dewy Decimal Classification scheme. 

The shelfmark is printed on a label on the spine of the book and determines where the book is located in the library; the first part, which consists of numbers, indicates the subject area of the book; the second part, consisting of letters, refers to the author's or editor's surname (and sometimes to the subject of the book, if it is a biography). 

Calle, S. (2007) Take care of yourself. Arles: Actes Sud. 

Finding Animation/Photography Books

This table will help you find key shelf numbers for animation and photography books.

006.6  Computer graphics
611  Anatomy
741  Drawing & drawings
741.2  Drawing techniques
741.5  Comics
741.53  Animation art
741.59  Graphic novels
741.5942  Caricatures/cartoons
741.6  Graphic design
742  Perspective drawing
743.4  Life drawing/anatomy
770  Photography
771  Techniques & equipment
778  Types of photography
778.5347  Film animation
778.9907  Photo journalism
779  A-Z photographers
779.2  Photography of human figures
779.9391  Fashion photography
791.433  Animated films
791.53  Puppetry
808.23  Scriptwriting for animation

Finding Graphics/Illustration Books

Some key shelf numbers for graphic design and illustration books.

001.4226  Computer programming
006.6  Computer graphics
028  History of books
302.2244  Graffiti
602.75  Trademarks
611  Anatomy
658  Product development & branding
659.1  Advertising
659.2  Brand identity
676.2  Papermaking
686  Book design
686.2  Printing
686.22  Typography & type design
686.224  Typefaces
686.2252  Newspaper design
686.302  Bookbinding
688.8  Packaging
741  Drawing and drawings
741.2  Drawing techniques
741.5  Comics
741.58  Animation art
741.59  Comic art & caricature
741.6  Graphic design
741.64  Book illustration
741.652  Magazine design
741.67  Poster design
741.672  Fashion illustration
741.674  Propaganda posters
741.685  Business & letterhead design
741.94  Drawings from different countries
742  Perspective drawing
743.4  Life drawing & anatomy
743.6  Scientific drawing
743.7  Botanical drawing
745.4  Design & patterns
745.61  Lettering & calligraphy
751.73  Graffiti and murals
760  Printmaking techniques
769.5  Printed graphics
769.56  Postage stamps
769.9  Prints
770  Photography techniques
778.5347  Animation techniques
778.9907  Photojournalism
779  Photographers A-Z