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Media: Theses & Dissertations

Dissertations/Theses From Other Institutions

The British Library is no longer supplying dissertations/theses for loan in microfilm format, and will in future provide them in digitised format via their Electronic Theses Online Service EThOS.

Where disertations/theses have already been digitised,  they are available as a free download ie. there is no longer a need to make an Inter Library Loan request for these items.

In order to search for titles, users need to register. Details available at

If the dissertation/thesis you require is not yet digitised, you can order it directly, although you may have to wait for a couple of months as demand is high.

If your need to consult a dissertation/ thesis urgently, please let us know and we will contact the relevant University and ask if they are willing/able to lend the hard copy to us.

Please see the EThOS FAQ's page or contact us if you require further information.

Try also the Index to Theses: a comprehensive listing of theses with abstracts accepted by universities in Great Britain and Ireland since 1716.