SCONUL Access is a reciprocal scheme which allows many university library users to borrow or use books and journals at other libraries which belong to the scheme. The scheme covers most of the university libraries in the UK and Ireland.
Sconul Access has now reopened following its shutdown during the height of the Covid pandemic. Please see link below for applying for Sconul Access
The Newsroom is a new dedicated space in the St Pancras building for newspapers, broadcast and web news. You can access microfilm, print and digital newspapers, with reference sources and expert help. You’ll need a British Library Reader Pass to use it
Mon 10.00 – 20.00
Tue - Thu 09.30 – 20.00
Fri – Sat 09.30 – 17.00
The British Library is home to the U.K's news collections, British and overseas newspapers dating back to the 1600s, and a growing collection of radio, television and web news.
The Newsroom is a new dedicated space in our St Pancras building for newspapers, broadcast and web news. You can access microfilm, print and digital newspapers, with reference sources and expert help.
You’ll need a Reader Pass to use it
Mon 10.00 – 20.00
Tue - Thu 09.30 – 20.00
Fri – Sat 09.30 – 17.00
Sun & English Public Holidays closed
The Newsroom is a new dedicated space in our St Pancras building for newspapers, broadcast and web news. You can access microfilm, print and digital newspapers, with reference sources and expert help.
You’ll need a Reader Pass to use it
Mon 10.00 – 20.00
Tue - Thu 09.30 – 20.00
Fri – Sat 09.30 – 17.00
Sun & English Public Holidays closed
The British Library is home to the UK’s news collections
You'll find British and overseas newspapers dating back to the 1600s and we have growing collections of radio, television and web news
- See more at: can request books and journal articles that are not held in any of the Middlesex University Library Collections using the Inter-Library Loans Service
Requests can be made online via the following link for Inter Library loans.
The British Library is no longer supplying theses for loan in microfilm format and will in future provide them in digitised format via their Electronic Theses Online Service EThOS.
Searching involves a very quick registration process available at
Please see the EThOS FAQ's page for further information.
British Library Reading Rooms
You may apply to use the reading rooms at the British Library at St Pancras if you are unable to resource your materials elsewhere. So, prior to your visit you must conduct a literature search and have investigated other methods of accessing items, also be aware that not all items are stored on site at St. Pancras, so check their online catalogue below.
The British Library Public Catalogue is at
Application forms to use the reading rooms are available from The British Library Website.
If you require a journal article request this through our Inter Library Loans service, details on this page