When you have clicked the link to our Open Access eResources page, you can either browse all the titles or use the drop down menu to go to lists for specific subjects, as shown here:
Open Access theology related databases
These resources can be accessed and used by anyone.
Bible GatewayBible Gateway is a searchable online Bible tool with more than 200 versions of the Bible in over 70 languages - allowing searching and translation of scripture passages.
Religion OnlineA library of resources (articles, books, audiovisual) on religious topics
STEP (Scripture Tools for Every Person)STEPBible is a bible study tool that allows users to: read Bible text; search for and list verses that contain a word, or open a structured list of verses to study a topic; compare different language bibles; research lexical information.
BASEThis link opens in a new windowDescription: BASE searches university repositories worldwide and currently covers some 64,000,000 papers. It is useful for searching for Open Access copies of papers which we do not subscribe to.Subject Scope: Covering all academic subject areasDate Range: N/AFull Text: Yes
CORE (Open Access Resource)This link opens in a new windowOpen Access: This online resource is freely available to everyone. CORE (COnnecting REpositories) aims to facilitate free access to scholarly publications distributed across many systems. CORE gives you access to millions of scholarly articles aggregated from many Open Access repositories.
Google Scholar (Open Access Resource)This link opens in a new windowOpen Access: This online resource is freely available to everyone. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses and books, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
Open Access Digital Theological Library (Open Access Resource)This link opens in a new windowOpen Access: This online resource is freely available to everyone. High-quality content in religious studies and related disciplines from publisher websites, institutional repositories, scholarly societies, archives and stable public domain collections.
Public librariesAnyone who lives or works or studies in a London borough can use the local public library including their online resources. You will probably have to join the library and obtain a membership card to do so. This page shows links to Libraries in London, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
British Library Reader ServicesThe British Library at St.Pancras (London), has 11 Reading Rooms, each specialising in a different subject area or type of material. Use this link to find out more information about facilities and services, opening times and how to apply for a reader ticket. The British Library is open to all.