Make sure you use the following route to access the resources, so you are fully authenticated as a Middlesex University student. This should ensure the resources allow you access where we have a subscription: Login to MyMDX > Library > Quick Links
Have a look at the Literature Searching page for lots of advice about getting started and how to do a comprehensive Literature Search.
Most of the journals at Middlesex University are only available online. You can search across everything via Library Search or go directly to the subject specialist databases (see the links on the right of this page).
Below is a selection of midwifery journals we subscribe to online. Click on the cover to link through to each journal. You can also use the eJournals link on MyMDX to see what journals we have in each subject area.
Not all articles are available full-text. You can request an Inter-Library Loan but first check if it is available elsewhere:
To search for journal articles on a particular topic try Library Search or search our health specific databases.
Library Search searches within most of the midwifery and nursing databases below and will bring you back full-text journal articles. It is a good idea to try searching in those databases individually too. You can also search specific journals only. It is good to experiment with different ways of searching.
Databases for advanced literature searching:
The main purpose of databases such as Medline or CINAHL is to find good quality research articles. To find out how to search the databases effectively see the Literature Searching tab. Video tutorials are available for each of the main databases.