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Actuarial Science | 368.01 | Mathematical optimization | 519.6 |
Algebra | 512 | Mathematical programming | 519.7 |
Analysis | 515 | Mathematical statistics | 519.5 |
Arithmetic | 513 | Mathematicians | 510.92 |
Bayesian data analysis | 519.542 | Mathematics | 510 |
Business statistics | 519.502465 | Mathematics: philosophy and theory | 510.1 |
Calculus | 515 | Maths: teaching | 510.71 |
Economics and maths | 510.0151 | Maths for physics and engineering | 510.2453 |
Engineering maths | 510.2462 | Numerical analysis | 518 |
Geometry | 516 | Probability | 519.2 |
Graph theory | 511.5 | Statistical inference | 519.54 |
History of maths | 510.9 | Statistical methods | 001.422 |
Linear algebra | 512.5 | Statistics | 519 |
Mathematical analysis | 515 | Statistic and social sciences | 519.50243 |
Mathematical logic | 511.3 | Time series analysis | 519.55 |
Mathematical models | 511.8 | Topology | 514 |