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Finding Books and Journal Articles
Use Library Search to find your books, journal articles and other online resources.
Library Search (Hendon)This link opens in a new windowUse Library Search to find and access quality academic resources.
Useful referencing resources
To get started with referencing, check out the Referencing Tips and Referencing Rex Word documents below and have an explore of your comprehensive referencing guide Cite Them Right Online. Any question? Just get in touch :)
Cite Them Right OnlineThis link opens in a new windowDescription: Cite them right online covers a comprehensive range of source types, alongside detailed advice on referencing and its importance in academic workSubject Scope: For use by students in Business, Criminology and Sociology, Health and Education, Science and Technology and Work Based Learning. Art and Design, Law and 3rd year H&E should follow the links in the Referencing Library Subject guide.