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Triple 'A' – Discovering Information: Home

The information you use to inform your work at university is very important. The resources below will help you to navigate the information available and discover the most relevant and academically credible information for your needs.

Work your way through the instructional resources to improve your research skills using both the Library resources and Google.

Students struggling to find information can receive face-to-face support from the Library, a dedicated space where students can seek advice and academic support from subject specialist Librarian. Visit the Library webpages to learn more about our services.

What is Library Search?

A short overview of Library Search, what it can do for you, and how it can improve your research experience.


Using Library Search to browse for books

A tutorial demonstrating how students can browse for books using keywords and filters to pinpoint relevant results.


Finding online articles using Library Search

An explanation of how to use Library Search to find academic, magazine, and newspaper articles, plus other online materials. An overview of how to limit results by including additional search terms, and using filters such as subject terms.


Finding a specific online article using Library Search

A summary of the three different searches for specific online articles; basic, advanced, and journal title search. With the help of a citation you can quickly determine if we have access, and retrieve from a database subscription service.


Accessing digital library resources

This presentation provides comprehensive instructions about the library’s digital resources and how to access them. It demonstrates how to use the Library Search, databases, e-journals, and Library Subject Guides etc.


Accessing databases not indexed by Library Search

Although most of the databases to which Middlesex subscribes are accessed via Library Search, some cannot be. This is primarily because the type of data (e.g. business directory information, information about Style Guides, and how to create citations) is not accessed and displayed in a format compatible with data found in books and articles. These slides provide a quick overview of how to access subscription databases.


Google Alerts 

You can set up alerts both in Google and Google Scholar that monitor web content. Once keywords have been added to your alert, you will receive an email notification every time the search engine finds your chosen topic. This can be extremely useful for finding up-to-the-minute information for your academic assignments (via authors or subjects), information on future or potential employers, company information, or even alerts on your own name!

Creating a search alert in Google Scholar

Video created by Frontier Nursing University (published on July 7, 2018)


Creating a search alert in Google

Video created by Peter Stavrou (published on April 24, 2016)

Google Advanced

Using Google you will often get millions of search results...Far too many for you to manage. Using Google Advanced Search you can narrow down these results and avoid information overload.

Google Advanced Search can provide more comprehensive and accurate search results compared to the simpler basic search.  Here, you can enter a wide variety of hyper-specific search terms or limit searches by attributes not available through the regular search interface. This makes running a Boolean-style search, limiting by date, or searching within a particular website or domain easy to complete.


Download copy of help sheet here.


Video created by Derek Epperson (Published on Jan 12, 2017)

Google Search Tips

Google is the worlds biggest and most popular tool for searching the internet. But did you know there are special words and characters you can add to your search to get even better results? Here are nine tricks that will make your searches much more accurate.

Video created by Tech Insider (Published on Jun 7, 2017)