Welcome to Legacy (old) RefWorks
This product is now obsolete and is being phased out.
For the current (new) version of RefWorks please go to https://refworks.proquest.com/
If you have a legacy (old) RefWorks account, unless you are at the end stage of a project, we recommend you move to the new version of the system.
Please see the migration instructions on this page: http://libguides.mdx.ac.uk/plagiarismreferencing/NewRW
In particular, please watch the video which you can find by scrolling down the page.
Once you have moved to New RefWorks, make sure you also integrate with Word using
RefWorks Citation Manager. You cite as you write with one click.
If you need help with migrating to new RefWorks, please contact Adam Edwards a.edwards@mdx.ac.uk