Welcome to the Library Guide for researching, writing and publishing.
- If you are looking for advice on how to use specific resources for your subject, see the Subject LibGuides. There is one for each subject area written by the subject liaison librarian
- If you are looking for a quick start to using our e-resources, please try Summon using the link on the left of this page.
- There is a video showing how Summon can be used to search for information. It uses a business example.
- You will also see the front page for our app which you can download to Android, Blackberry or iPhone smartphones.

This guide covers topics such as:
- Resources (lists of library books and ebooks, as well as links to full-text journal articles) about the research process
- Research and writing skills
- Infomation about MDX Dubai Library's online course, An Introduction to the Research Process
- help guides to referencing software such as Flow and RefWorks
- Academic Writing resources and the Academic Enrichment department at MDX Dubai
- Finding and creating resources
- Journal publishing, including how to find the best ranked journals in your field
- Liaison librarians
- Find out the librarian to contact for support for your research
- Scholarly communication
- Journals getting cited and published
- Research Boot Camp for Faculty
- Proceedings and tips from the 2015 Summer Boot Camp
- if you aren't sure what something means, have a look at the Words and Meanings Library Guide.