The Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR) is an interdisciplinary research centre whose core intellectual work focuses on the organisational and institutional settings for risk management and regulatory practices.
This is the wiki of the Crime and Social Justice Research Group at Manchester Metropolitan University. The Group is concerned with the links between processes and practices of crime and justice.
Based in the USA, the Environmental Science Division (EVS) conducts basic and applied research and assessment that seek to understand how natural and human-managed environmental systems function and how system components respond to various perturbations.
The HCRA is a multidisciplinary group of faculty, research staff, students, and visiting scholars who work together to improve decisions about environmental health and other risks.
HSL supports the HSE and also works with a wide range of other public and private-sector organisations, often conducting detailed, bespoke research and development work on their behalf.
The IESR at Staffordshire University conducts research and provides consultant advice across a range of issues relating to sustainable environments and regeneration.
IIRSM is a professional membership body that provides recognition, information, support and enhancement for health and safety professionals and specialist members related to the health and safety field.
This research network brings together sociologists, psychologists, economists, experts on social policy, the media, socio-legal studies and law and other social scientists from 14 universities.
The central objective of the thematic group is to estabish a sustainable discourse on risk and uncertainty in order to support theoretical developments as well as transnational empirical research.
UNISDR's mandate is to serve as the focal point in the United Nations system for the coordination of disaster reduction and to ensure synergies among disaster reduction activities.