The following databases are our key sources for current Legal information and research:
Lexis+This link opens in a new windowDescription: Database of full text law reports, legislation and many full text journals from the UK, Europe , the United States and many jurisdictions. Also includes commentary, notes ,current awareness and Halsbury's Laws of England.
Date Range: UK case law since 1865. Journal coverage varies depending on publishers. US case law(State and Federal)-dates vary. Large collection of full text US law reviews/journals-again dates vary.
WestlawThis link opens in a new windowDescription: Database of full text law reports, legislation and many full text journals from the UK, Europe , the United States and many jurisdictions. Also includes commentary, notes and current awareness.
Subject Scope: Legal journals, cases, legislation, commentary and current awareness.
Date Range: UK cases begin with 1865 and EU cases 1954. UK case law Official Transcripts begin with 1955. Commentary is the current edition.
Heinonline - Law Journal LibraryThis link opens in a new windowDescription: Database of law and law-related issues including articles, comments, notes,book reviews,cases and decisions. Covers more than 90 subject areas published in 29 countries. Also an image-based database providing exact page images as they originally appear in hardcopy
Subject Scope: Legal journals and pre 1865 case reports(The English Reports)
vLexThis link opens in a new windowFormerly JustisOne. Search for cases with full text links to Westlaw and Lexis.
Oxford AcademicThis link opens in a new windowDescription: Research journals from Oxford University Press in the fields of Life Science, Medicine, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law.
Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International LawThis link opens in a new windowDescription: OSAIL contains full-text online reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press, including: Authoritative treatises, which continue to define their area of law, black-letter reference works and commentaries, which will help you to answer practical questions about the law, classic works on international law, which remain influential in their field today, and flagship publications, which provide innovative perspectives on current legal problems.
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International LawThis link opens in a new windowDescription: A comprehensive online resource containing peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of public international law. It is written and edited by a team of over 800 scholars and practitioners, published in partnership with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, and updated throughout the year.
Subject Scope: International Law
Date Range: Current
Full Text: Yes
Lists over 7,000 abbreviations for about 4,000 legal publications from both the British isles and the Commonwealth. Covers mainly legal journals and reports though other types of material may be included. Can be searched via title or abbreviation.
Halsbury's Laws of England
This is available electronically on Lexis Library
Current Law Case Citators
Available in the Law Library (2nd Floor Sheppard Library)
Other online resources
BAILII(British & Irish Legal Information Institute.) Free resource hosted by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and by the Law Faculty, University College Cork.
BAILII comprises 90 databases, covering seven jurisdictions. Decisions of the House of Lords and Court of Appeal are covered, as are decisions of the European Court of Justice and tribunals.
A useful 'Leading Case Law by Subject' database seeks to identify leading case law from the past and to make them freely available to support legal education.